If you are hoping to progress in your career to an executive leadership role, you may be wondering what you can do to improve your job prospects. Self-regulation is a quality often required to be successful in a leadership role. In this blog post, we look at what self-regulation is in more detail and explain why it is beneficial for a leader to be self-regulated.
What is self-regulation?
In its simplest form, self-regulation involves controlling your own behaviour, emotions and thoughts. Self-regulation is often an essential part of deferred gratification and is used to pursue long-term goals. Individuals with self-regulation can often handle stressful and emotional situations more successfully, as they are able to keep a level head and control their impulses.
Why is self-regulation important for a leader?
• Control
Self-regulation is important for a leader as it is important individuals in a leadership position are able to control their emotions. For example, if an executive leader receives negative or bad news, they may be tempted to become angry and make hasty decisions based on their frustration. A self-regulated leader, on the other hand, will take a moment to reflect and control their emotions and ensure any actions they do take they do not later regret.
• Work/life balance
For individuals hoping to be promoted or secure a leadership position, it can be tempting to work every hour possible. A good leader, however, will know this will only lead to employee burnout and that free time is necessary for a good leader to recharge and reflect. Self-regulation is therefore required for a leader to limit their working hours and create a beneficial work/life balance for themselves.
• Self-aware
Self-regulation and self-awareness have a direct relationship. A leader must be self-aware about how their actions, behaviour and communications affect other people. For example, some leaders may be too short and snappy with their employees. Self-regulation allows leaders to recognise where they may be failing and improve their actions and behaviours, even if they are not natural for them. For example, a leader could regulate their behaviour and make more of an effort to show a personal interest in their employees.
How can I become more self-regulated?
If you are interested in practising self-regulating, you may wish to consider executive coaching. Anthony Gregg is a Master Executive Performance Coach and can help you train and perfect your self-regulation. To learn more about executive coaching, contact Anthony Gregg today.